
African style

Tired of the concrete jungle and the other delights of urbanism, designers are increasingly starting to pay attention to the interiors of ethnic styles. One of the most popular folk styles today is the African style. The main reasons for the distinctive Africanstyle is impulsive, mysterious, and with it the children's spontaneity and simplicity. The African continent so diverse, interesting and bright!
The natural color palette is bright and hot with sand and water, ritual masks and war painttribes, hot days and nights studyaschie. The whole of Africa - a solid contrast. So - the corresponding colors - orange and blue, black and white, yellow, red shades, bright patterns. The decoration of the premises must be present natural materials: curtains of linen, jute bags, or covering the furniture, exotic wood, clay jugs and vases with the characteristic copper ornaments, animal fur from the wild, say, a zebra or cheetah. Thiscontrasts sharply with the entourage of the situation in the classical style, with itsmeasured and balanced. Perhaps the only avant-garde style with its minimalist furniture and bright spots on the canvas can compete with the African style in the interior.

African interior

House, decorated in African style, gives the owner the atmosphere hot noonday heat, andcool breezes of fresh air. In such a situation will create the feeling that you are staying at the luxurious resort in the far exotic country. It always feels relaxed and comfortable. A special pleasure is in a rest room, decorated in African style, after a long day of work.Sitting in the interior of the African style, we can dive together in the freshness of the rainforest and the warm sands of the Sahara heat without leaving the couch.
Widely use in interior decoration in African-style materials such as natural wood, ceramics, natural stones and other natural materials. In addition to the very place will all kinds of accessories, such as statues of gods and animals, a variety of floor and table vases with dried flowers or exotic flowers, pictures of everyday scenes on the walls and much, much more.When sewing curtains, use natural fabrics (linen, cotton, wool). This style is well suited curtain of yellow and terracotta hues with embroidery in the form of figures of animals: giraffes, zebras, tigers, leopards, and the topic will be staggered and with circular patterns. To emphasize the warmth of black wood, perfect solution - curtains turquoise.For such an interior successfully fit and simple unpainted linen curtains.Quite simple rectilinear shapes, household items and decorations are plain in this case, the original decorative elements to liven up the interior of African homes.Normal, unremarkable sofa or couch can become the center of the composition, if a bright throw blanket on the sofa, or rug, that you completely transform and change its appearance. You can also add a few cushions of bright colors, thereby giving unusual furniture aesthetically aged appearance. A variety of animal figurines and a variety of floor vases will make an African flavor to the room.

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